Announcing My Next Book: GRAVE THINGS LIKE LOVE

I’m thrilled to share that GRAVE THINGS LIKE LOVE, a contemporary YA with a supernatural twist, comes out Fall of 2022 with Delacorte Press.

The funeral home Elaine lives above has been in her family for generations, and everybody assumes she’ll take it over someday—everybody, that is, except Elaine. When Xander, a newcomer obsessed with ghost hunting, conducts an “investigation” at the funeral home, it turns up a ghostly voice from the past, one Elaine is certain can give her the advice she craves about what to do with her life—and which boy deserves her heart.

I got the idea for GRAVE THINGS LIKE LOVE way back when I was a newspaper reporter and spent some time at a family owned funeral home. I'll have a more concrete release date and cover to share soon. For now, I'm just thrilled this story is finally finding its way to shelves.

Add GRAVE THINGS LIKE LOVE at Goodreads now!

Sara Wealer